HTTPs Meterpreter
HTTPs Meterpreter is a type of Meterpreter shell that uses HTTPs protocol for communication between the attacker and the target system. This type of shell is commonly used in situations where the attacker needs to bypass firewall or network restrictions that may prevent other types of shells, such as reverse TCP or bind TCP, from working properly.
Generating your own self signed certificate
To generate your own self signed certificate:
In order for the Metasploit to use the cert we will concatinate the private and public key to create us a .pem file
We also must change the CipherString in the /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf config file or our reverse HTTPS shell will not work properly.
First, we will locate this line in the config file:
and change to to:
Finally, we can set it in our Metasploit instance:
Msfconsole generate payload
To generate a Meterpreter payload:
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