Display a list of cmdlets contained in the Defender module
Copy Get-Command - Module Defender
Copy > Get-Command - Module Defender
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Add-MpPreference 1.0 Defender
Function Get-MpComputerStatus 1.0 Defender
Function Get-MpPreference 1.0 Defender
Function Get-MpThreat 1.0 Defender
Function Get-MpThreatCatalog 1.0 Defender
Function Get-MpThreatDetection 1.0 Defender
Function Remove-MpPreference 1.0 Defender
Function Remove-MpThreat 1.0 Defender
Function Set-MpPreference 1.0 Defender
Function Start-MpRollback 1.0 Defender
Function Start-MpScan 1.0 Defender
Function Start-MpWDOScan 1.0 Defender
Function Update-MpSignature 1.0 Defender
Check for running Microsoft Defender services
Copy Get-Service SecurityHealthService , WinDefend , Sense , WdNisSvc | Select-Object Name , DisplayName , Status
To quickly check if Windows Defender is running on your computer and find out the last antivirus definition update date, run the following PowerShell command:
Copy Get-MpComputerStatus | Select-Object - Property Antivirusenabled , AMServiceEnabled , AntispywareEnabled , BehaviorMonitorEnabled , IoavProtectionEnabled , NISEnabled , OnAccessProtectionEnabled , RealTimeProtectionEnabled , AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated
Disable Realtime monitoring altogether
Copy Set-MpPreference - DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true